6 wk. sessions on Mondays starting Sept.17th to Oct. 22. at Pepper Pike Learning Center in the Gym.
Cost is Resident, $59. Non Res. $69.
Register on line at www.orangerec.com or call:
Intro. to Swing. 6:00 pm -7 Adults 16+
Join us for an introduction to Swing dance. You will learn single-time rhythm basic footwork and some fun simple moves that will get you out on the dance floor with confidence. You will also learn some great Lead & Follow skills. Learn why Swing Dancers are some of the happiest people on the planet.
Intro. to Salsa 7:30 to 8:30 pm Adults 16+
You will learn forward & back and Cuban style Salsa basics along with great lead and follow technique, turns and some great fun easy moves that will help you gain the confidence and the know-how to impress your family and friends just in time for holiday parties!