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Mondays, Join us for Salsa Club. 6:45 pm to 9:30 pm. All levels of Salsa taught. Cost, $10.00. $5.00 for students with college ID







6 wk. sessions on Mondays starting Sept.17th to Oct. 22. at Pepper Pike Learning Center in the Gym.

Cost is  Resident, $59. Non Res. $69.

Register on line at or call:


Intro. to Swing.   6:00 pm -7     Adults 16+

Join us for an introduction to Swing dance. You will learn single-time rhythm basic footwork and some fun simple moves that will get you out on the dance floor with confidence. You will also learn some great Lead & Follow skills. Learn why Swing Dancers are some of the happiest people on the planet.

Intro. to Salsa   7:30 to 8:30 pm  Adults 16+

You will learn forward & back and Cuban style Salsa basics along with great lead and follow technique, turns and some great fun easy moves that will help you gain the confidence and the know-how to impress your family and friends just in time for holiday parties!





News & Notes

Join us every Monday evening for the best place in town to learn and practice Salsa!



Salsa Club is open to anyone and everyone all ages. Junior Salseras and Salseros, ages 6 to 13, are half price. So are college students w/student ID. We love and encourage the younger generation to dance.



Take a private lesson for just $30.00 Call (440) 350-9969 to schedule your lesson.